domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

The difference of pixar

The difference of pixar

Since the film “Toy story” was show on theaters, the development and reception of cgi films started to get a boost and other companies besides pixar started to develop their own films with cgi graphics, but those studios couldn’t get films with the same quality of the productions that pixar offers, and that’s where pixar marks a difference that is not only shown in the quality of a production, but from the way that those films are produced and the unique methods that pixar’s employees use.

The communication that all the employees have in the company is a strong trait, everyone can give their opinion about almost every process on the development, and that’s why the feedback and the critic helps to increase the quality of the product, but also all the employees get a confidence between them that improves communication and boosts the synchronization that they have when they work together.

A great team can take a mediocre idea and make it work; the studio learned that from the development of toy story 2, where the story for the movie lacked some plot points, the team refined the plot whit simple ideas that could develop more the characters. Also a great team must have the same consideration and work quality standard for a movie, so the team can work with that same formula in each movie.

The risks and innovative ideas that the company takes are related to the success of the product, normally some filmmakers try to use a secure formula for a movie, on the other hand, pixar always tries to create stories from simple but unexplored ideas that can be understood by all the people, but also the company takes risks on their stories and development to achieve an unique product.

As we can see, the company works in a different way than the companies normally work, we can say that the treatment for the workers and their results are directly rlated and that`s why pixar makes a difference between the competitors and them, its not just about the best technology or the most interesting idea, it is about a good development team and the way that a group of people can turn a bad idea to something that can work out.

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